Pest Info

We know our pests!
Find out more information here about pests that are common to the Northwest and how we control them
Mice & Rats

Mice - The Facts
Mice and rats can be serious problems when they find their way into our homes as they cause a lot of damage and are vectors of many diseases. Although they appear similar, they are different in behavior and require different treatment approaches.
Mice are more than nuisance pests. They can cause extensive damage when entering our homes, and can contaminate our food and living area as they carry many pathogens of a number of diseases. The House Mouse is gray and very small, usually weighing less than an ounce and only 4 inches long. They are experts at finding and squeezing through tiny holes as small as 1/4 of an inch. They can rapidly reproduce, with a female able to have 5 to 10 litters a year with up to 14 per litter! Deer Mice are about the same size as a house mouse, but differ in appearance. Their name comes from the color of their fur resembling that of the white-tailed deer, usually brownish on top, with a white belly and light colored feet. These mice are primarily responsible for transmitting the Hantavirus to humans through their saliva, urine, and feces. While the house mouse occupies urban areas, deer mice are more common in rural settings.
The Solution
The first step in eradication is proper identification, as a treatment plan will differ greatly between rats and mice. We usually will look for signs such as the size of the droppings, burrow holes, holes in the walls around the plumbing, and even the grease trails they leave along their paths. The next step involves locating all exterior entry points into the structure and properly sealing or screening these openings. We have found that many companies will skip this step to create the need to continuously service the dwelling with bait. After locating and performing the exclusion work, we will choose the appropriate product or poison to eliminate the population. Typically with mice, a bait will be the best remediation, whereas baits should be avoided when dealing with rats as this can cause odor issues, making snap traps the best recommendation. Unlike rats, mice are very curious and will readily eat baits or anything else they can find. Infestations that are strictly on the exterior can be dealt with through bait stations as well as eliminating water and food sources, and any nesting areas. With a thorough inspection and treatment plan, Eradicon Pest Management can completely free your property of mice!

Rats - The Facts
Rats can cause more damage than mice and are also vectors of many different diseases. They thrive here in the Northwest as they do in pretty much every part of the world except for Antarctica. Norway Rats are the most common to the Northwest. Adults are stocky, weighing about 18 oz or more, with bodies up to 10 inches in length and a tail about as long their bodies. A rat litter can number between 7 and 14, and they can reach sexual maturity in as little as 5 weeks, which allows them to rapidly infest and populate a structure. These guys are very aggressive, can chew through just about anything and will quickly damage insulation, electrical wires, and duct work. They are urban savvy and know how to find food and shelter in and around our homes. Even if the vents and utilities around our home are secure, they may find their way into our crawlspaces by digging deep burrow holes under the foundation.

The Roof Rat is darker in color than the Norway Rat, and has a smaller and sleeker body. Other characteristics are their long tails, large ears and eyes, and smooth fur. They can also reproduce at an impressive rate, with one female being responsible for 40 new rodents within a year. They are excellent at climbing and will often be found nesting in attics and upper parts of structures. All rats are very intelligent and will often be cautious of eating bait or approaching traps as they are leery around unfamiliar objects which makes them more difficult to control.
The Solution
The first step in eradication is proper identification, as a treatment plan will differ greatly between rats and mice. We usually will look for signs such as the size the droppings, burrow holes, holes in the walls around the plumbing, and even the grease trails they leave along their paths. For instance, the Norway Rat has capsule shaped droppings, whereas the Roof Rat has droppings with pointed ends. The next step involves locating all exterior entry points into the structure and properly sealing or screening these openings. We have found that many companies will skip this step to create the need to continuously service the dwelling with bait. After locating and performing the exclusion work, we will choose the appropriate product or poison to eliminate the population. Typically baits should be avoided inside buildings when dealing with rats as this can cause odor issues, making snap traps the best recommendation for the interior. Infestations that are strictly on the exterior can be dealt with through bait stations as well as eliminating water and food sources, and any nesting areas. With a thorough inspection and treatment plan, Eradicon Pest Management can completely free your property of rats!
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